I'm a mom... but I can still be spontaneous!

After enduring a few years of, in many ways (except financial, phew!) a life of single motherhood, as Bill traveled back and forth from his Puerto Rican baby (the hotel he was building) - we decided to pick up our family and move there for the duration of the project. The decision came on Saturday - and we were to leave a week later. This blog tracked our experiences as we left our home in CT, withdrew our kids from school, left our puppy in the care of a trusted dog-lover, left the snow and the rat race and the routine... for a beautiful, rather remote island. I hoped to allow my friends & family to track our progress (or lack thereof?) as we lugged our stuff to one of the few remaining places that does not have a Starbucks, the kids and I embarked on our first ever homeschooling experience (I'd always thought homeschoolers were aliens), and I happily moved my triathlon training from the pool, trainer & dreadmill to what basically amounts to paradise. Most of all, I hoped my blogging will push others to step out of their comfort zone and try something they always swore "NEVER!" to do. (Of course, hopefully it's not something destructive).

So now, we are back in CT after our 3 surreal months in Vieques. In no time whatsoever my day became jam-packed with activities and tasks, but somehow it feels "right" in the way that the nothingness of Vieques felt "right." I suppose that's how you know you're following your bliss - and where you do it becomes irrelevant.

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Triathlon/Ironman FAQ's

During the course of my training for this past Ironman Cozumel (my 2nd Ironman) and after my successful completion of the race, many people have asked me all kinds of questions.  So I decided to answer them here.

1. How the HELL do you find time to train?

If you are training for a sprint triathlon, depending on how fit you are going into it, how comfortable you are with each of the 3 sports, and what your performance expectations are on race day, it isn't a huge time commitment.  You can train for 4 hours/week if you already know a stroke beyond doggie paddle, and you're not out to set a course record (on the fast side).

2.  But for an Ironman - isn't that a HUGE time commitment?

I won't kid you - it is.  Which is why for each of my Ironman races, which were held on Thanksgiving weekend, I only dedicated 10.5 weeks to race preparation.  During those weeks, I am averaging 20-24 hours of training per week.  During that time, I am getting up way before dawn to either work or to train.  My husband is doing much more round the house and with the kids than he normally does (a great side benefit!).  My extended family will start sending hate emails because of my lack of communication.  My friends have to track me on Facebook to know my whereabouts, which I can easily update from my iPhone while at a stoplight or waiting for the kids' bus.  Television?  Yeah right.  Housekeeping? Outsourced/lax.

3. How does a busy parent, or even more so, a working parent, train for an Ironman?

The average triathlete earns $162,000/year and during a 4-hour training ride last month I realized why this is. In order to be able to train for an Ironman, you need to either be self-employed (so you can have the schedule flexibility) or have a spouse who does very well, so you don't need to be the main breadwinner, and you can instead train (and hire a housekeeper).

That being said, if you are not out to finish an Ironman in 11 hours or less, you can still train for one if the above doesn't apply to you.  But like with any major goal, you will need to prioritize and sacrifice.  Forget the reality TV shows, the happy hours, the sideline gossip sessions while your kids play or train.  Every minute counts - so make it count.


4. I don't like to (or know how to) swim/bike/run...

Normally when you don't like to do one of the above it's because of fear.  Or a previous negative experience.  Or the wrong approach.  In other words, it's all in your head.  If you don't know how to swim, sign up for a class.  If you don't feel comfortable swimming, or it's too hard, ask an experienced swimmer to coach you for a session or two.  It's usually a matter of getting comfortable with the breathing part.  Once you get the breathing and you start to relax in the water, it will flow.  (If you had a seriously bad experience like you were on the Disney cruise and Goofy turned round suddenly and knocked you overboard and you've never gotten over that, you may need more intervention but it still gets back to just getting comfortable in the water, with the right instruction).

For biking, again, find a mentor or go to the local bike shop and find out about group rides (or come to one of mine).  It can certainly be intimidating to think about riding along roads riddled with potholes, squirrels, zoned-out minivan moms and texting teens.  Riding with company takes off a lot of the angst.

If you have any discomfort when running, it may be you need new shoes, or your stride is unnatural, or the muscles supporting your knees are weak.  Talk to me, or your local coach about this for guidance.  Get the book Born to Run.

5. I'm a runner and have done some 10ks and half marathons, maybe even a marathon or two (or maybe just 5k's) and am thinking about finding out what all the hype is about re: triathlons.  But I'm a little overwhelmed!

Awesome!!  That's how I started - I was looking for a way to cross train, to prevent injuries but also because I didn't aspire to being a skinny ninny runner.  Triathletes seemed to have healthier all-around bodies.

Thinking of the multisport experience in terms of all the gear and the training (I need a bike!  Where can I swim?!) can be overwhelming.  So let's break it down.  Unless the triathlon is in 2 months, you have some time.  So that brings it to step one... Find a local triathlon.  You'll probably want to start off small, with a sprint (.5 mile swim, 10-15 mile bike, 3.1 mile run).  Sign up - many sell out!

Next - if you don't have a bike, start making spinning part of your workout regimen.  Find out if there's a local triathlon club (such as the YMCA Tri Club).  Contact them and ask if there is anyone willing to answer your questions and mentor you.  Ask if they can recommend a bike shop.  Start looking at bikes and check into last year's models (road bikes).  Go from there.

When looking for a place to swim, here are some considerations:  what are the lap swim hours?  Are these feasible for you?  Is there childcare available?  Masters swim classes?  Will you have to wait for lanes?  How convenient is the location for you?  Is the pool located somewhere that you can on some days hop out of the pool and onto a bike or treadmill for a brick (back-to-back workout eg swim-to-run or bike-to-run)?

6. Tell me the truth - what are the costs of being a triathlete?

Excellent question.  Like with any pursuit, there are sacrifices, or costs.  In several areas.  And it all depends on your level of competition and commitment but in general:

  • FINANCIAL:  buy a bike; maintain a bike; upgrade a bike; ship or pack a bike.  Gym/pool membership.  Coaching.  Triathlon club.  Race registration fees.  Travel expenses.  Babysitters.  Healthy food.  Supplements.  New running shoes every 500 miles.  Heart Rate monitor.  Smartphone applications to track workouts.  Wetsuit.  Bike shorts, long tights, bike jersies (sleeveless, short sleeves, long sleeve).  Bike gloves.  Bike accessories.  Bike shoes for clipless pedals.  Helmet.  Bike computer.  Windbreaker.  Sunglasses.  Goggles.  Swimsuits.  Chiropractor. Massage.  New jeans because you're skinnier.  Sweatproof sunscreen.  USA Triathlon membership.  iTunes music.  mp3 player.  Waterproof mp3 player.  Housekeeper.  
  • TIME:  commuting to pool; planning the week around workouts; logging your workouts; washing all the workout clothes (sometimes 2-3 outfits in one day, with Ironman training); maintaining bike; researching races and triathlon stuff online; commuting to classes or group workouts; ordering stuff online; concocting special smoothies with protein & greens; arranging group workouts
  • RELATIONSHIPS: when training for a major race, whether it's your first sprint, or an Ironman, you will undergo a transformation that will affect your relationships with those closest to you.  Your spouse and kids will go through an adjustment period especially if you were typically the main caretaker and therefore in many ways at their beck and call.  It is important to talk to your spouse about how important this is for you, and how your happiness and good health are ultimately very much crucial to your family's happiness and health.  (At this point it is completely appropriate and very wise to dangle a carrot, such as a race in a fabulous destination - and they're invited - or a promise of pumpkin pancakes in bed every Saturday morning).  Most people don't like change and they especially don't like it if it wasn't their idea and decision.  But as long as you ease them into it, make them feel to some extent like participants in the decision making, and show them all the benefits to them - it should go more smoothly.   As far as friendships go, you will start to become friendly with like-minded people who are typically fitness conscious, motivated, optimistic.  You may see less of some of your other friends but hopefully they will decide to follow your example and start going for runs or rides with you.  If anyone tells you that you're crazy to do this, or they in any way try to discourage you, just remember, they're throwing their own insecurities, hang ups and mental junk on you.  Ignore it and listen to that inner voice that's saying, if she thinks I'm crazy then I must be doing something right.

7. I can't imagine doing an Ironman.  You must be in incredible shape/ a natural born athlete/ much more driven than me/ have much more extra time on your hands than I have/ supernatural/ f-ing insane.

I'm definitely not supernatural.  I am in great shape now but I still have some jiggly spots (I refuse to give up all culinary pleasures).  I didn't do any formal sports growing up so was far from being called a jock.  Between my photography business, my coaching, several major projects I've got in the works, 2 kids, a very energetic dog, a local ultimate frisbee league I organized a couple of years ago, a book I'm rewriting, after school programs I create & run, a passion for reading and cooking... etc... I definitely don't have more time than you.  I just choose to spend my time in certain perhaps more unusual ways.  I only get my hair cut twice/year, I never get my nails done, I only eat lunch out if it's work-related, I have no local family members to entertain, my house usually hovers between "lived-in" and disastrous (but you will eat a yummy dinner!), I don't watch TV unless it's a Tivo'd Ironman or I'm folding laundry at the same time, I only volunteer at my kids' school if it's something I will really enjoy (i.e. I refuse to be guilted into stuff).

Most triathletes don't do a full Ironman because it does take a huge level of commitment and sacrifice not only from the athlete but also his/her support crew (family/loved ones).  That being said, when I signed up for my first sprint in 2005 Ironman was nowhere on my radar.  It's funny where life takes you - if you allow it.

8. What was the hardest part of your Ironman?

The mental game is the hardest.  Cozumel, for example, is 3 loops.  Three loops on the bike (112 miles total), 3 loops on the run (26.2 miles total).  It's tough knowing that after a loop you're only a third done. It's tough knowing that when I'm still on loop 3 of the bike, the winners are already finishing the marathon.  When you're in the marathon and your body starts to break down (which happens when you're someone who finishes an Ironman in 13-17 hours; 17 hours is the max, after that you're disqualified), it's tough dealing with the nausea, queasiness, aches & pains.  And that's not even taking into consideration all the environmental circumstances that may be thrown your way (wind, heat, terrain).

What kept me going at these times was:

  • HUMOR: "what level of insanity have I reached that I'm doing this?? And paid $525 for it??"
  • FOCUS: focus on the goals I'd set beforehand for myself - to be patient with myself, to be steady and steadfast, to race with dignity and integrity, to support my fellow athletes and acknowledge the supportive crowds and volunteers, to race with gratitude
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: knowing that a lot of people were tracking me via GPS and Facebook and I didn't want to make a fool of myself!
  • FAITH: in myself, in my coach, in God
9.  How did you feel afterwards?

Relieved!!  It was different this time around.  After my first Ironman I felt complete euphoria and wonder and awe - at the magnitude of what I and my fellow athletes had done.  This time I knew I could tackle such a distance, so the emotions were different.  I was really happy to have my family to watch me this time (last time it was only Bill, this time it was Bill, the kids, my sister and her family, my dad & stepmom).  Whatever was lost from it not being the same as the first time (yes, cliché), was made up for in the amazement on my family members' faces, and interacting with a few first-timers, egging them on.

Physically, I felt pretty much nothing after the race.  My rump was sore from 7.5 hours on the bike but tea tree oil took care of that pretty quickly (sorry if it's TMI!), and my lips were chapped.  But that was it.  I attribute this to solid training (thank you coach Janda!) and to my yoga routine, which is basically power yoga, pilates and meditation all in one.  Well, and the fact I didn't go balls-out the way I do in shorter races.  As Janda had said to me a few days beforehand, this was just a long, glorified training day.  And it was a great pretext for a family reunion in a beautiful location!!

10. Will you do it again?

I would love to do Ironman Cozumel IF...

  • Bill (my husband) is enthusiastic about it (again) and...
  • a few people will agree to go with me and make this either their first Ironman or their first international race (see my offer!)

And if I do it again, I believe I will start training much sooner so that I do better, not because of any need to set a monstrous PR (personal record), just because 14-15 hours is a looooooooong time to be exercising!


  1. amazing mom...i am a triathlong beginner and this post is inspiring.



  2. You are amazing in so many ways. Glad we are friends and I look forward to many more biking days together

  3. Man. Now I'm thinking about Cozumel. My husband and I keep saying that this is our year.
    Glad to see another entry. I've gone back to your rules over and over again, shared it on facebook to rave reviews. Would love to follow you on facebook.

  4. Thank you guys!!! Ann, I love your own blog, you are a great writer. I'm highly flattered you enjoy my own musings, & I hope we cross paths - in Cozumel :) Look me up on Facebook!
