I'm a mom... but I can still be spontaneous!

After enduring a few years of, in many ways (except financial, phew!) a life of single motherhood, as Bill traveled back and forth from his Puerto Rican baby (the hotel he was building) - we decided to pick up our family and move there for the duration of the project. The decision came on Saturday - and we were to leave a week later. This blog tracked our experiences as we left our home in CT, withdrew our kids from school, left our puppy in the care of a trusted dog-lover, left the snow and the rat race and the routine... for a beautiful, rather remote island. I hoped to allow my friends & family to track our progress (or lack thereof?) as we lugged our stuff to one of the few remaining places that does not have a Starbucks, the kids and I embarked on our first ever homeschooling experience (I'd always thought homeschoolers were aliens), and I happily moved my triathlon training from the pool, trainer & dreadmill to what basically amounts to paradise. Most of all, I hoped my blogging will push others to step out of their comfort zone and try something they always swore "NEVER!" to do. (Of course, hopefully it's not something destructive).

So now, we are back in CT after our 3 surreal months in Vieques. In no time whatsoever my day became jam-packed with activities and tasks, but somehow it feels "right" in the way that the nothingness of Vieques felt "right." I suppose that's how you know you're following your bliss - and where you do it becomes irrelevant.

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

my hero stays with us!

... [Coach/husband Toni] Hasler brought [Natascha Badmann] out of her depression. "I would not be the person I am today without Toni," Badmann said. "Toni helped me realize that how I was was not the right way of thinking. So I started to think in the mornings: 'What is going to make me happy?' I start with a smile. The first people you see in the morning when you get up, you give a smile to them. And that smile will come back to you, and your day will be completely different. That is a very big thing. So simple but so useful." - excerpted from 17 Hours to Glory, Extraordinary Stories from the Heart of Triathlon (Mathias Muller & Timothy Carlson) ********************************************************

The above quoted book was one of my Mother's Day gifts. I was thrilled that Natascha was featured on the cover, and there was a chapter about her. I have been admiring her since I first started triathlons in 2005, and my then-coach told me about her. She is the ultimate smilepacer, since she smiles the entire time she's racing (well, at least on the bike & run; will have to ask her about the swim, I imagine that could be counter-productive).

A mom at 17, a party girl, overweight... At the age of 23 she was so sick of herself that she decided to turn her life around. At this point, she was working with Toni, who was coaching the Swiss national triathlon team, and working a day job, where Natascha was a secretary. Never having been athletic or active, Natascha really struggled. The first run and the first bike were over in about 10 minutes. Her swimming consisted of a flailing breast stroke. But she kept at it.

It just so happens that as fate would have it, Natascha and Toni are staying in our home this week (!!!!). My son (6) asked me if I'm a fan of Natascha's and I said "her #1 fan and with big eyes he looked at me and said "WOW. AND SHE'S STAYING IN OUR HOUSE?!" After a few moments he asked, "How come you can't get Demi Lovato to stay here?" (teen singing sensation).

So, what are Toni & Natascha like? They are completely down-to-earth, no frills, devoted to each other, devoted to the sport. My daughter (9) had a school assignment yesterday where she had to interview someone who works. Of course, she chose to interview Natascha. One of the questions was "how many vacation days do you get per year?" Natascha answered, "vacation? I'm always on vacation!" She loves her life so much. Which is why she's always smiling on the race course, even after hours at a grueling pace in sweltering heat.

Natascha is now 44 and has an excellent chance of winning this Sunday's Rev3 half iron distance race. Last year she came in 3rd in this race, then went on to podium at Eagleman. This year she has the same schedule. Toni was telling us last night that he trains his athletes in 3 areas: 1) physical 2) mental 3) nutrition. He said that nutrition is the key component that many athletes and wanna-be athletes disregard. It's been fascinating watching what they eat this week (Toni does all the cooking). They go through 40 KILOS of fruits & vegetables per week! And a glass or 2 of red wine each night (1 for Natascha). Everything is organic and nothing processed. (When a chicken nugget fell out of the fridge I quickly kicked it under the fridge to be retrieved later).

Toni attributes Natascha's extraordinary career to 2 things: focus and discipline. But I would add a third: love. Natascha clearly loves training, racing, and the people that triathlon brings into her world. She deeply loves and respects her husband and coach. Focus + discipline + love = Success.

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to read everything I can on Natascha
