I'm a mom... but I can still be spontaneous!

After enduring a few years of, in many ways (except financial, phew!) a life of single motherhood, as Bill traveled back and forth from his Puerto Rican baby (the hotel he was building) - we decided to pick up our family and move there for the duration of the project. The decision came on Saturday - and we were to leave a week later. This blog tracked our experiences as we left our home in CT, withdrew our kids from school, left our puppy in the care of a trusted dog-lover, left the snow and the rat race and the routine... for a beautiful, rather remote island. I hoped to allow my friends & family to track our progress (or lack thereof?) as we lugged our stuff to one of the few remaining places that does not have a Starbucks, the kids and I embarked on our first ever homeschooling experience (I'd always thought homeschoolers were aliens), and I happily moved my triathlon training from the pool, trainer & dreadmill to what basically amounts to paradise. Most of all, I hoped my blogging will push others to step out of their comfort zone and try something they always swore "NEVER!" to do. (Of course, hopefully it's not something destructive).

So now, we are back in CT after our 3 surreal months in Vieques. In no time whatsoever my day became jam-packed with activities and tasks, but somehow it feels "right" in the way that the nothingness of Vieques felt "right." I suppose that's how you know you're following your bliss - and where you do it becomes irrelevant.

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, January 29, 2010


The kids didn't have school today. I cleaned the fridge. I had a meeting that was very important to me in Waterbury. Jackie had her dress rehearsal for tomorrow's musical. Between all of that - all I managed to do re: packing was bring up the suitcases from the basement. At which point I realized we are one suitcase short since I donated all the other ones. Oh well, for once I guess I'll not overpack. Tonight our Ultimate Frisbee club is having a little going away thing for us. Fortunately, it includes kids so there will be no rolling home at 2am. But there is a full moon, which explains my insane decision to place Penny the Puppy permanently with someone 2 days ago (which I retracted when Jackie knocked some sense into me with her hysterical cry, "Mami, if you give Penny away I will never forgive you the rest of your life!"), so one never knows.

1 comment:

  1. Cleaned the fridge... riveting action in blog land.



